Thursday 20 November 2014

Cultural Activity

          We had gone to the school in the village to learn about their culture. We asked them question about their life, such as: their life outside school.
                                       their family
                                       the food they eat
                                       the subjects that they learn... and more...
          By talking to them we got to learn a point of view from someone else's perspective and how different their life is from ours. talking to the ids also gave us a chance to interact with kids from the village. We learnt different ideas and point of views. At the end I was surprised on how different their life is from ours. I thought that everyone lives the same way... But then they told us that they need to do chores every morning before coming to school, I didn't have to do any. I am not used to this. Their lives are very different from ours.

Physical Activity

          During the treasure hunt we had to run around a lot, for about 45 minutes. In the safari's we had to sit for like 3 hours, so not much physical activity there. we sat in the (safari) almost everyday: which is 4 days. We sat in sessions the other times, so again not much activity there either. We did quite a lot of running around still. We also went on an early morning trek.
          They told us to drink a lot of water, because we might get de-hydrated. if we didn't have water we would not feel very well. they told us to drink at least 2-3 liters of water.

Food Chain

This is a food chain:
A food chain is basically a cycle showing what animals eat. Here is one that I made...
It starts with the tiger who eats the deer, and then the deer eats the grass, and then the grass takes food FROM the sun. And then the cycle starts all over again, starting with the tiger.
This is a very simple food chain, that is very common.

How much we travelled

In the mornings we went for nature treks. We walked for about 50km, but we took breaks to sit down and rest. We also went for safari's in the morning. We went around the tourist areas, we covered almost all of the area. The safari gate was itself in distance from the resort... It wasn't that far away but it wasn't very near either. We also went to the village to see the pottery and the school. Again they weren't very far... But it wasn't very near either.


On the field trip we celebrated quite a lot. We celebrated on talent shows and when we did the treasure hunt, there was celebration when a team won.
On the talent show we clapped and celebrated and showed our respect when someone finished presenting. After the talent show we were all happy and were having fun.
         By doing this we showed our enthusiasm and our sportsmanship. If we dint have any celebration everything would be boring because we have no energy otherwise. With celebration we got a spark that can help us be more enthusiastic.
During the treasure hunt we all had to run around and find clues to get the treasure. After one team finally found the treasure we were all happy for them. Even though the other teams didn’t win we were still happy for them. We celebrated because they were are class mates and we cheer them on.
During the talent show almost everyone performed, and after they did we cheered for them. We didn’t make fun of them event though their performances were not very good we still were happy.  
Celebration is important in any case or matter.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Nature Conservation

On 13th November a forest ranger had come to talk to us about nature conservation and how we can save animals. he gave us some ideas that were already being done and in progress. he also told us how the ideas that they were thought of were helping.
First he told us about the history on the the place… In 1977 it was a Sanctuary, then in 1983 it became a National Park, and then in 1993 it became what it is today- a Tiger reserve.
He said that because the population of tigers increased they needed to make more areas, and those areas were called: Buffer Areas. Another reason they made buffer areas is that all of the tigers aren't all safe in one place. Because of this issue they came up with an idea: that since another national park- Kanha is close to Pench, they decided to make a tiger corridoor from Pench to Kanha or vica verca. This helped give tigers a larger space to be in and more area and then they can survive in both places. Because if there is good atmosphere there are more numbers.
Another problem that came up was poaching… because of this they started patroling in the night and in the day. They did this for security. They have patroling camps every 5km. They make sure that everything is safe and they find out if something is wrong- They made sure that there were no electric lines and that there were no traps.

Pench Humanities

This is a map of Pench...  I am telling you about where we went. We didn't go to many places but we did go on many safari's. And we also went to a few other places.

Pench English

Dear Dairy,
         I woke up and checked on my babies. After that I did my daily routine. I made sure that the coast was clear and that there was no pack of wild dogs around. I hope that there are not many jeeps today.
         I am still trying to teach my kids to hunt, but apparently failing. My children are really lazy. Today I have decided to take then to hunt with me. We are going to hunt spotted deer’s today; even though they aren’t very tasty there are many of them.
         On the way we met the leopard; he was trying to catch a deer for his family as well. (I fought the urge of not stealing it.) We also saw many deciduous trees; my children don’t see them very often. The air on the other hand was clear and fresh. I hope that the deer’s weren’t camouflaging by the trees.
         Finally we found a deer!  We had to be sneaky and make sure that the deer didn’t know that we were there. Soon we were right behind the deer… But then one of my kids tripped and thumped on the floor and the deer ran away.
          So todays hunt was unsuccessful. We had to stick with left overs for today.

Tuesday 4 November 2014



This is Science
This is ICT
This is PE
This is Art!
This is Hindi
This is Humanities
This is Math
This is Language Arts
This is Science